

Weekly meetings

We have a project meeting once a week, normally on Mondays at 10 AM Norwegian time. The meeting includes also members from the Sámi Disambiguation project - at least Trond Trosterud as the project lead - to ease communication and coordination between the two projects.

The memos from the meetings are available in the shared area. The memos are written in a Wiki format supported by Forrest, allowing a near-text memo combined with instant publishing. We also have written an internal jspwiki howto.

The meetings are held as Internet-based video conferences using iChat (included with MacOS X, and allows 4-way video-conferencing and 10-way audio chats; most modern Macs have built-in web cameras). Meeting memos are taken collaboratively using SubEthaEdit (version 2.2 is free, but SubEthaEdit is worth paying for). Thus, setting up a meeting is a breeze, and does not need to involve any extra costs beyond the computers.

Other meetings

There will be gatherings and workshops from time to time. No exact timetable or frequency of such meetings are defined, they will be held according to need.


Monthly reports

The project manager will make a summary report for the head of the language section at the Sámi Parliament each month. The reports are available in a separate section on these pages. The reports are written in Norwegian.

the 10th each month

Half-yearly reports

The steering committee is meeting every half a year, and a summary report of the project status will be made by the project manager well in advance of each meeting. The reports will be available here as they are made.

3 weeks ahead of the meeting

Yearly reports

The financing bodies want reports about the progress of the project and its use of the money. The deadlines are:

NordPlus Sprog:
February 15.
Norwegian ministeries:
March 15.

Other reports

The reports made in preparation for this project will be available as links soon. The reports are:

  • The initial report, with a budget of 19,2 mill. NOK
  • A revised report with a reduced budget of 11,3 mill. NOK
Add the reports and their links here.


Some info about the budget here.

Write this section.

Project plan and schedule

Some info about the plans and schedules here.

Write this section.


Parts of the project will be outsourced. More specifically, integration with MS Office (Mac/Win) and InDesign will be done by external companies after a public round of tender according to EU/EEC rules. There will be some supporting documents:

by Sjur N. Moshagen