Meeting with Polderland 21.6.2007
- Peter Beinema
- Sjur Moshagen
- Since last time
- Possible issues
- Next meeting
- Todo items for the next meeting
Since last time
- currently looking into bug with test system with/without user dictionary
- still not completed yet
- still not completed yet
- Adobe: developing for CS3 - work continues.
- getting along fine
- getting along fine
- evaluating price for InDesign speller
ŋ and ñ exist, but ń must be added - try to complete this week
- work finished
- work finished
- bug 402: tokenization issue, buried deep in code, fix available before final
Test string is: nuvviD, even nuvviDpeople
- CS3 seems to be installed, or is on the way to being installed in at least the
- still some more to check, but it seems CS3 will be a safe lower end supported
- still some more to check, but it seems CS3 will be a safe lower end supported
- demonstrated for the SD board
- planning linguistic update towards the end of this week, or next week
- suggestions for generated compounds
- send examples
- penalty levels can be set at the of the phonetic rules file - Peter will send
- send examples
- compounding limit - now 2 elements, should be higher
- Peter will change it to 5 - otherwise identical to the newest speller.
- Peter will change it to 5 - otherwise identical to the newest speller.
- windows installer should autostart
- case correction:
- MáRKANSLUSKA => MÁRKANSLUSKA, suggests: Márkanšiljuska and other words with
- SáMI => SÁMI, suggests: Sámi
- Peter will look into possible settings to adjust this
- Peter will look into possible settings to adjust this
- MáRKANSLUSKA => MÁRKANSLUSKA, suggests: Márkanšiljuska and other words with
- full stop at end of word - command line speller
- will check this and get back wrt tokenization diffs with Word
- hyphenation lexicon update - the dic file
- missing correct suggestion on simple spelling errors (substitute one char):
- dagazii => dagašii, but it gives instead:
- hágažii
- dagaža
- hágážii
- dáhkážii
- dágaža
- hágažiid
- hágažiid-
- háhkažii
- hágažii
- all corrections above are more complex operations (editing distance 2 and
- dagazii => dagašii, but it gives instead:
Next meeting
Next week (26.6) at the usual time.
- check inconsistent speller behaviour depending on the existence of userdict or
- Peter has started to look at this
- Peter has started to look at this
PLD continue to create hyphenator for Adobe InDesign CS3
PLD try to find proper compiler version for Adobe Indesign CS2. Looks bad.
- old version does not work, user group + Adobe confirms it no longer sold
- check with Sámi publishing houses whether support for CS2 is still needed
- old version does not work, user group + Adobe confirms it no longer sold
- include ń as character in words (PLD), send updated binaries
- done, sent
- done, sent
- speller in InDesign/InCopy option (PLD)