First South Sámi Linguistic Days (SMA-BIEJJIEH)

Call for Papers
2019 is the UN International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL). As part of IYIL, UiT The Arctic University of Norway and Nord University organise the first South Sámi Linguistic Days (SMA-BIEJJIEH) in Levanger, October 2-4, 2019.
We invite researchers, students and language workers to submit papers on everything shedding new light on South Sámi grammar, especially concerning, but not restricted to:
- syntax
- synchronic and diachronic phonology
- morphology
- lexikografy
- dialectology
- phonetics
- language technology
- language history
Abstrakts and final papers will receive doubleblind peer review, and all accepted papers will be published in a special issue of Nordlyd, Tromsø University Working Papers on Language & Linguistics. Nordlyd is registered in The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers.
Nordlyd requires that authors be invited. All interested parties are hereby invited, and those getting their abstract accepted will be invited to submit an article. Abstracts can be sent by e-mail to Please mark the e-mail SMA-BIEJJIEH in the subject line.
We ask that submitted abstracts and papers follow the Nordlyd templates. There are templates for MS Word and LaTeX. We also ask that articles are limited to 20 pages, although exceptions can be made on requests. Please note that presentation time on the conference is restricted to 20 minutes + nine minutes for questions. Detailed information on templates and other guidelines will be given via e-mail, see above.
Invited speakers
The following persons have been asked and have accepted to give a presentation:
- Lene Antonsen: «Maskinoversetting fra nordsamisk, bra eller dårlig for sørsamisk?»
- Eino Koponen: «Den sydsamiska ordlistan av Z. Plantinus ur ordbildningsmorfologisk synpunkt»
- David Kroik: (tittel blir annonsert senere)
- Ove Lorentz: (tittel blir annonsert senere)
- Bruce Morén-Duolja: (tittel blir annonsert senere)
- Trond Trosterud: «Partiklar i sørsamisk»
- Mikael Vinka: «Sydsamiska pronomen»
- Jussi Ylikoski: «Åarjelsaemien gïele goh dïhte jillemes Uralsken gïele» («Sørsamisk som det vestligste uralske språket»)
Important dates
- 19.8.2019: deadline for submitting abstract (max 2 pages + references)
- 16.9.2019: reply to authors
- NEW DATE: 18.9.2019: conference registration deadline
- 2.-4.10.2019: the conference
- 1.11.2019: deadline for submitting final version of the paper
Information on conference registration will be announced later.
Conference languages
South Sámi and Scandinavian. The conference will be interpreted.
The articles to be published in Nordlyd should have a summary in the other language (summary in South Sami if written in Scandinavian and the other way around) in addition to a summary in English. The editorial board can assist with the translation of summaries into South Sámi if needed.
Scientific committee
- Lene Antonsen
- Eino Koponen
- Michael Rießler
- Trond Trosterud
- Mikael Vinka
- Jussi Ylikoski
Editorial board: Maja Lisa Kappfjell and Sjur Moshagen.